My task today seems simple. I am supposed to identify my target audience and write a post that I believe they would enjoy. This is definitely an important step to blogging and marketing oneself as a blogger. It’s hard for me, however, because this blog is entirely personal. I post the things that I enjoy. The target audience is me. While I am thrilled that so many of you also continue to read it, I am not writing it for you.

With that being said…24601

In all seriousness, I am my target audience. I post what I like in the moment. I post what inspires me. I post things that make me excited to write. So thank you so much to those of you who are also interested in these things, or are just interested in me (in which case why aren’t we dating yet?)

Technically I haven’t properly completed my Blogging 101 assignment today, but I have a feeling my target audience really loves a musical reference. Later, skaters.
